Peculiarities of the National Hunt

A Finn preparing a work on the Russian hunting traditions and customs, comes to Russia to collect materials and is invited to take part in a hunting party. His flamboyant companions include an Army general, with more than a passing resemblance to Aleksander Lebed, a police detective, local forest ranger (a devotee of Zen Buddhism) and some big-city types from St. Petersburg. Inevitably, their good intentions soon give way to endless drinking, visits to local farm girls and much else besides.

Release Date

June 15, 1995



Original Title

Особенности национальной охоты


1h 33min




Finnish, French, German, Russian

Production Companies


Osobennosti Natsionalnoy ... - Collection

Part of

Osobennosti Natsionalnoy ... - Collection

Includes: Peculiarities of the National Hunt in the Winter, Peculiarities of the National Ice Fishing, Peculiarities of the National Politics, Peculiarities of the National Fishing, Operation 'Happy New Year'!, Peculiarities of the National Hunt