
A major Indian uprising is expected and Wyoming military posts are alerted. Colonel Dennison is meeting with Chief Eagle and his son Running Wolf when Chief Eagle is mysteriously shot. Steve Holden, an agent for the government peace commission, with the aid of a wandering shoemaker, Smiley, discover the troubles and the Chief's murder have been instigated by Cronin, the regimental scout, for personal gain for he and his gang of outlaws.

Release Date

May 19, 1949



Original Title








Production Companies

Columbia Pictures

The Durango Kid Collection

Part of

The Durango Kid Collection

Includes: The Durango Kid, Both Barrels Blazing, The Desert Horseman, Law of the Canyon, Whirlwind Raiders, Blazing Across the Pecos, Desert Vigilante, Laramie, The Blazing Trail, Snake River Desperadoes, Bonanza Town, Laramie Mountains, The Rough, Tough West, The Return of the Durango Kid, Blazing the Western Trail, Texas Panhandle, Roaring Rangers, Gunning for Vengeance, Galloping Thunder, Heading West, Terror Trail, The Fighting Frontiersman, The Lone Hand Texan, Prairie Raiders, Buckaroo from Powder River, Last Days of Boot Hill, South of Death Valley, Pecos River, Landrush, Two-Fisted Stranger, South of the Chisholm Trail, West of Dodge City, Trail to Laredo, Challenge of the Range, Bandits of El Dorado, Trail of the Rustlers, Cyclone Fury, The Stranger From Ponca City, West of Sonora, Prairie Roundup, Smoky Canyon, Lawless Empire, The Kid from Broken Gun, Across the Badlands, Junction City, The Hawk of Wild River, The Kid from Amarillo, Fort Savage Raiders, Ridin' the Outlaw Trail, Texas Dynamo, Outcasts of Black Mesa, Renegades of the Sage, Horsemen of the Sierras, Quick on the Trigger, El Dorado Pass, Six-Gun Law, Frontier Gunlaw, Outlaws of the Rockies, Rustlers of the Badlands, Riders of the Lone Star, Phantom Valley, Streets of Ghost Town, Raiders of Tomahawk Creek, Frontier Outpost, Lightning Guns