Best of the Best 4: Without Warning

A group of Russian mobsters have stolen a huge supply of paper for printing U.S. currency, and are now flooding the market with conterfeit bills. When one of the mobsters decides to give herself in and hand over a data CD to the DA, she is shot and killed, but not before handing the disc to an unsuspecting Tommy Lee. Despite working with the police as a martial arts instructor, Lee doesn't go to the cops with the disc, but instead goes on the run, giving the mafia time to kidnap his daughter and hold as a hostage in exchange for return of the disc. Will Tommy ever see his daughter again?

Release Date

October 10, 1998



Original Title

Best of the Best 4: Without Warning


1h 30min





Production Companies

Picture Securities

Best of the Best Collection

Part of

Best of the Best Collection

Includes: Best of the Best 2, Best of the Best 3: No Turning Back, Best of the Best 4: Without Warning, Best of the Best