Fireworks (Archives)

This film depicts Bunleua Sulilat’s temple/sculpture garden 'Sala Keoku', located in northern Thailand. Passages of blackness sporadically dissolve under the fitful internal illumination of sparklers, which light up to reveal Sulilat’s unorthodox temple populated with a fantastical concrete menagerie of beasts and figures; the sculptures range from the broad, whale-like contours of a frog’s face, to a cavalcade of dogs on mopeds, to a pair of skeletons partially embracing as if sitting for a double portrait. These images are interspersed with those of an older Thai couple mysteriously wandering around the temple like wraiths, the woman’s plodding progress hampered by the use of crutches.

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When People Were Still Living for Personal Reasons


Violin Film #1 (Playing The Violin As Fast As I Can)

Violin Film #1 (Playing The Violin As Fast As I Can)


Animation Film Making: A Teaching Method at the Institute of Design 1968 to 1980

Animation Film Making: A Teaching Method at the Institute of Design 1968 to 1980


Anna Halprin: San Francisco Foundation Community Leadership Awards 2010

Headlands Center for the Arts - 2014 Community Leadership Awards

Brenda Way: San Francisco Foundation Community Leadership Awards 2012


Hello, Joe

Collaboration: Joe Brainard

Komposition II/1922


Color and Pigment in Art

Color and Pigment in Art


Charles Vandenhove, architecte de l'art

Miss Interpreted

Miss Interpreted


James Hoffmann World Barista Championship 2007

James Hoffmann World Barista Championship 2007

Herr och Fru Konst

Herr och Fru Konst


I Am Here You Are Not I Love You

I Am Here You Are Not I Love You



J'ai peint des Vermeer


Ron Athey Is the Trojan Whore

Ron Athey Is the Trojan Whore


A Arte da Primeira Guerra