Growing Up

Freedom of expression and sexual liberation might have defined the 1960s but by 1971 the British education system was far from ready for Dr Cole's explicit series A New Approach to Sex Education. Made as a teaching aid for use in schools an universities, the Growing Up was unprecedented in its depictions of erect penises, un-simulated masturbation and intercourse to describe the development of the human body and sexuality to students.

Release Date

January 2, 1971



Original Title

Growing Up







Part of

The Joy of Sex Education

Includes: Whatsoever a Man Soweth, Any Evening After Work, How to Tell, The Mystery of Marriage, Trial for Marriage, A Test for Love, The Road of Health, Love on Leave, 6 Little Jungle Boys, The People at No. 19, Growing Girls, Learning to Live, Her Name Was Ellie, His Name Was Lyle, Growing Up, Don't Be Like Brenda, 'Ave You Got a Male Assistant Please Miss?