A journey; a country brought to its knees by a financial crisis; an actress and the banality of evil: a singleminded woman's life is severely jeopardised by one mistake... Inspired by an ancient, anonymous fairy-tale.
A rather elegant lady (Catrinel Marlon) is picked up by a taxi in the middle of nowhere and driven to a dilapidated café. On the radio, we hear that the country is on it's knees, the banks own everything and repossessions are the order of the day. The owners of the place put two and two together when they see her valuable clutch bag and resort to drastic action. Thing is, though, did they get it right? This is based on an old, anonymous, fairy tale but it's too short to do justice to that story and the whole thing is so rushed as to not really give us time to appreciate what's happened or why. Pity, it's monochrome presentation and the ghastliness of that soup portended something better.