When the Dust Settles

This animated short features 2 neighbouring gophers with very un-neighbourly appetites for anger and revenge. By sundown, they have destroyed everything... even theirhomes. Will they be able to put the pieces back together.

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January 23, 2025

I thought the animation here reminded me a little of "Watership Down" (1978) as a gopher in it's clean and tidy burrow discovers that he's got an interloper. A next door neighbour who's a noisy and messy critter. When the newbie finds an old arrow head during his excavations he routinely chucks it from his new dwelling into the home of our now increasingly fed up, and now injured, original who furiously retaliates. Then there's more retaliation before full scale war breaks out leading to some subterranean subterfuge that only serves to confuse the worms and point out the sheer futility of a conflict that could have been entirely avoided had one been respectful of the other in the first place. Maybe some owning-up might help them begin again? Don't worry about gravity when you watch this, just enjoy the daftness of belligerence delivered in a lively and entirely human fashion.