Nikitich and The Dragon

Dobrinya Nikitich goes on a quest to save the royal niece and finds out whether his old friend Zmey Gorinich is loyal to him. During the adventures, he is accompanied by the royal messenger who's in love with the royal niece.

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Release Date

March 16, 2006



Original Title

Добрыня Никитич и Змей Горыныч


1h 5min







Three Heroes Collection

Part of

Three Heroes Collection

Includes: Alesha Popovich and Tugarin the Dragon, Nikitich and The Dragon, Three Heroes and the Shamakhan Queen, Three Heroes on Distant Shores, Three Heroes and Julius Caesar, Ilya and the Robber, Three Heroes and the Princess of Egypt, Three Heroes: The Heiress to the Throne, Three Heroes and the King of the Sea, Horse Julius on the Throne and Three Heroes, Horse Julius and Big Horse Racing, Three Heroes and the Navel of the World