City in Darkness

"PARIS! BLACKOUT!...but there's no blackout for crime...and the great detective is commandeered!"

Chan, in Paris for a reunion with friends from World War I, becomes involved in investigating the murder of a munitions manufacturer who was supplying arms to the enemy, even as the rising clouds of World War II force the city into nightly blackout status..

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Release Date

November 15, 1939



Original Title

City in Darkness


1h 15min




English, Italian

Production Companies

20th Century Fox

Charlie Chan (Sidney Toler) Collection

Part of

Charlie Chan (Sidney Toler) Collection

Includes: Charlie Chan in Honolulu, Charlie Chan in Reno, Charlie Chan at Treasure Island, City in Darkness, Charlie Chan in Panama, Charlie Chan's Murder Cruise, Charlie Chan at the Wax Museum, Murder Over New York, Dead Men Tell, Charlie Chan in Rio, Castle in the Desert, Charlie Chan in the Secret Service, Charlie Chan in The Chinese Cat, Black Magic, The Jade Mask, The Scarlet Clue, The Red Dragon, The Shanghai Cobra, Shadows Over Chinatown, Dangerous Money, The Trap, Dark Alibi