Rouge Fougère

"An Independant Post-Apocalyptic Experiment"

A group of survivors is looking for medicine in a toxic world. Addicted, mankind fells down in its darkest hour. As the team's reserves are dwindling, a new threat appears. Will survivors cope one last time?

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March 21, 2015

In the film, protagonists must ingest a substance every 24 hours. If they don't, they’ll turn into dangerous lunatics. Their environment is toxic, breathing fresh air equals more exposure to the virus. On top of that all, survivors are hunted down by an army of self-aware drones.

Their "medicine" is the one we all have to swallow every day. It is the message sent off by the order established boxes to fill, control, and fear. In that world, you miss your pill and you might realise that Humanity has been slowed down in its elevation.

Masses, controlled with cures for "anxiety". Sedatives to get us all back to sleep! Don't take your pill and you ‘ll become a threat to the dogma instated. Beware of our beloved system, because it has developed the ultimate weapon. Perverse administration, crushing people back into the tiny little box where they belong. Automated war machines, tracking deviants and terminating them.

Those who have stopped swallowing the pill are nowhere near a liberated human being. They are tortured by insidious fears, flashing back into their minds like a pop-up would : hate ! violence ! Should we give up on a vaccine distributed for generations? Should we break the addiction in a world on which the only hope is to become a madman?