Hard to Die


While doing the inventory for a lingerie outlet in a high rise office building, five attractive women are terrorized by a series of bizarre killings. They suspect that the strange janitor, who witnessed another series of killings years back, is at the bottom of the whole thing. Little do they know the real horror that they face in the end.

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January 14, 2023


How many of you, back in the 90s, actually rented it thinking you were getting "Die Hard?" None of you? Now how many rented it because it had a bra on the cover? Yeah, that's what I thought.

Its another one of those movies I caught on HBO too late when I was a kid. Thank you latch-key childhood.

You know the film already, it's Slumber Party Massacre. You know the film already, they hire a whole bunch of women, they film each one of them naked, they find an excuse to dress them in undies that, really, are only worn in the bedroom with the intention that they be taken off....

...and then they work a loose...a VERY loose plot around it and have all the women scream and run around, which I am pretty sure movies like this inspired Bay Watch.

So, really, why read this review, you already knew what you were going to get before you rented it.