Election Day

This film revolves around Election Day, a day on which Jay R. and Joe are fighting to get votes. They warn the kids that they'll be socked in the jaw if they don't vote for them, but the kids are just trying to go about their business, namely Farina. His mother wants him to deliver laundry to her clients, but he can't go anywhere without being harassed by the gang. To escape them, he dons several costumes including that as an older woman, a dancer, and a scarecrow.

Release Date

January 12, 1929



Original Title

Election Day







Production Companies

Hal Roach Studios

Our Gang: The Roach/MGM silents (1927–1929)

Part of

Our Gang: The Roach/MGM silents (1927–1929)

Includes: Dog Heaven, Spook Spoofing, Barnum & Ringling, Inc., Crazy House, The Ol' Gray Hoss, School Begins, The Spanking Age, Election Day, Noisy Noises, Wiggle Your Ears, Fast Freight, Little Mother, Cat, Dog & Co., Saturday's Lesson, Yale vs. Harvard, The Old Wallop, Heebee Jeebees, Rainy Days, Edison, Marconi & Co., Fair and Muddy, Growing Pains, The Holy Terror