Rock River Renegades

In Old Wyoming, a gang is plundering stagecoaches of shipped currency and a crusading newspaper editor is trying to get the local marshal replaced, because of his apparent failure to catch the gang, which seems to disappear into thin air after every robbery. The situation escalates when one of the stage drivers is mortally wounded; so the marshal sends for his friends, the Range Busters, to help him catch the criminals. Meanwhile, even the marshal's fiancee, the editor's daughter, turns against him in favor of an aggressive agitator for law and order - who secretly is leading the robber gang.

Release Date

February 27, 1942



Original Title

Rock River Renegades







Production Companies

Range Busters

Range Busters Collection

Part of

Range Busters Collection

Includes: The Range Busters, Trailing Double Trouble, West of Pinto Basin, The Kid's Last Ride, Wrangler's Roost, Fugitive Valley, Saddle Mountain Roundup, Thunder River Feud, Trail Riders, Haunted Ranch, The Trail of the Silver Spurs, Tumbledown Ranch In Arizona, Tonto Basin Outlaws, Underground Rustlers, Rock River Renegades, Boot Hill Bandits, Texas Trouble Shooters, Arizona Stage Coach, Texas to Bataan, Two Fisted Justice, Land of Hunted Men, Cowboy Commandos, Black Market Rustlers, Bullets and Saddles