Views and pronouncements from inside Germany, filtered and condensed from TV and home video from 1992 to 1994. At times dreamy and sunny: black brown is the hazelnut and so is our rough-haired dachshund. Or bloodcurdling: the somnambulistic speeches of the former Minister of the Interior of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the hair-raising excuses of his police director, the shrill remarks of the residents. Little by little, they draw ever tighter circles around the common (security) topic: shit. Where was Hitler born, where did he become German and who did he marry? Which laxative is actually rifle-cleaning oil? What really happened on August 24, 1992 in Rostock-Lichtenhagen? The Color Brown premiered under the title Pfui–Fornication and Order in Germany (Pfui–Fornication and Order in Germany) at the 25th International Forum of Young Cinema in 1995.
November 24, 1994
Die Farbe Braun