The Real Olympics

No event in the ancient world compared to the Olympic Games. With Greek culture and influence at their height, the Games drew an audience of tens of thousands. At the heart of this documentary is an ambitious reconstruction of major events, from chariot racing to combat sports, involving stunt men, horse wranglers, 40 young athletes, and hundreds of extras. Experts from universities around the world acted as historical advisors.

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1932 Los Angeles Olympics

1932 Los Angeles Olympics


Books fly by themselves

Books fly by themselves

The Thousand Colours of the Morning

The Thousand Colours of the Morning

Café au Lait

Café au Lait

Opium Wars 97

Opium Wars 97

The History of the La Paloma Theater

The History of the La Paloma Theater

Martinská deklarácia 1918


The Library of Congress

The Library of Congress

The Olympia Film Comes into Being