Cooking Inside: from Prison to Home

"No matter where you are in the world, what language you speak, or by what name you call God, the love in any community can always be found around the table."

Adrian Drepaul and Caz Stewart explore America's broken prison system through the humanity of food. "Cooking Inside" is a revolutionary documentary that explores the life and conditions of two formerly incarcerated people through the meals they made while inside. It's "Orange is the New Black" meets "Chef's Table." Adrian Drepaul and Caz Stewart went above and beyond each week to gather enough ingredients and materials to cook a special gather-around-the-table meal for them and their incarcerated "family" on Sundays. Each week was a MacGuyver-level act, and it happens every day in prisons across the country. Food brought them together, and food will bring their stories to audiences.

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