The film "Eternal Mission" tells about the tumultuous fate of the delegation of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic sent to the Paris Peace Conference in January 1919 under the leadership of Alimardan Bey Topchubashov, the Speaker of the Parliament.
Əlimərdan bəy Topçubaşov
Məhəmməd Məhərrəmov
Məmmədhəsən Hacınski
Ceyhun bəy Hacıbəyli
Əkbər ağa Şeyxülislamov
Miryaqub Mirmehdiyev
Abbas bəy Atamalıbəyov
Youth of Ramiz Abutalıbov
Emmanuel Nobel
Thomas Woodrow Wilson
Construction Coordinator
Head of Production
Director of Previsualization
Assistant Director
Costume Design
Production Design
Original Music Composer