Cassoulet : la faim des haricots ?

Cassoulet is a local story, a success story from the South-West, which has conquered the whole of France: it is the second most consumed prepared dish in France. Today on the menu of star chefs, in cans or in vacuum-packed trays, it can be enjoyed in all its forms. However, of the 85,000 tonnes of cassoulet produced each year in France by the food industry, only 22,000 tonnes are qualified as "high-end". The rest often has nothing to do with local products. From the high-end productions of Castelnaudary defended by the Cassoulet brotherhood to the industrial products which flood the shelves of mass distribution, from the recognized virtues of the "lingot" bean, to ready meals full of additives,

Release Date

January 11, 2022



Original Title

Cassoulet : la faim des haricots ?





Production Companies

Step by Step Productions