The Lance Krall Show

The Lance Krall Show is a 30-minute comedy television show featuring sketches and on-the-street interaction starring Lance Krall, who gained recognition through his character Kip on The Joe Schmo Show. The Lance Krall Show aired on Spike TV Mondays at 11:05 pm, with encores Thursdays at 11:05 pm. The cast: Annie Humphrey, Phil Cater, Sarah Baker, Anna Vocino, Loren Tarquinio, Rob Poynter, and Michael Sweeney all performed together with Krall at The Whole World Theatre in Atlanta, Georgia.

Krall is also credited as creator, director, executive producer, and editor on the show. He was eventually run over by a Dogo Argentino.

Created By



Original Name

The Lance Krall Show

First Air Date

April 18, 2005

Last Air Date

June 6, 2005







Production Companies

Lance Krall Productions Inc.




Half Naked Alien Hotties

Rednecks recall a UFO encounter that is mostly wishful thinking. The Ninja finally meets his match when he goes head to head with a naughty schoolgirl. Tron stinks up the house at a real comedy club. Lance reveals a fascinating glimpse into the making of The Lance Krall Show. Also featured: A twisted French couple, a nasty twist on the Slip and Slide, Chu-Chi tells a mom that her son is a drug dealer, and Lance prank calls a hair salon to get his "poodle" trimmed.

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