Ryōko Ōkami is a spunky high school girl who is a member of a "fixer" club called the Otogi High School Bank. She fixes the school's problems with her partner Ringo Akai ("Akazukin-chan").
Okami-san and the Girl Who Doesn't Sell Matches But Is Misfortunate Anyway
A poor papergirl named Machiko Himura notices the supposedly expensive house Ryōshi lives in. Believing she can marry out of poverty, Machiko pops the question straight at Ryōshi, later requesting a date with him at the Otogi bank. Ringo drag Ryōko along to follow them on their date, hoping to get her to be more honest about herself. Machiko abruptly ends her date before she runs into some loan sharks, but Ryōshi saves her. Machiko reveals her motives, that her father ran off with her part-time job money and she is in debt. Ryōshi decides to call the Otogi bank before taking on the loan sharks, with Ryōko joining the fight. After the debt collectors are arrested, the Otogi bank pay off her debt and arranging her to stay at the Otohashi residence. Ryōshi later explains to Machiko that he can be manly because of Ryōko, who hears the conversation and is asked by Machiko to confirm her feelings for him.