Days of Love

A father has been fighting for the rights of his daughter since she consumed tainted milk powder, yet fails to be understood. With a focus on the connection between father and daughter, the director returns to her own family, discussing love and growth. All of these efforts started with an experience dated back to her childhood.

Chop Shop: A Community & Law Enforcement Conversation

CMC Teen Jazz Orchestra: Cultivating respect and self expression through music

CMC Young Musicians Program: Mission District youth find focus, follow dreams


David Brower Center

Dreamer Boyz

Investigating School Mental Health - Muskegon, MI - Education Development Center

Supporting Positive Behavior Interventions - Pueblo, CO - Education Development Center

To See One's Self

Gender Chip Project

Radically Inclusive - Founders - GLIDE Living Legacy

Hellman Fellows Program

Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust

Bright Horizon Children's Home - Nepal

Enterprising Women! at Urban Solutions

Alexander Barantschik - San Francisco Symphony

California Nurses Foundation - A Little Different

Gary's Story - Amerikosa

Gary's Story - Under a Car in Life

Gary's Story - No Second Best