A despatch (Jep) lures a rich man's son (Aleysa) with a strategy arranged by Jep's father (Ebby Yus). This story shows how Jep and Jep's father set up a strategy to seduce Aleysa with various comedy tricks to succeed.
July 7, 2016
Sepahtu Cinta Plastik
1h 35min
Astro Prima
Part of
Includes: Sepah The Movie, Dodol Si Bujang Sepah, Lalalitamplom Si Bujang Sepah, Lemang Aidilfitri Si Bujang Sepah, Sepahtu Kepok Bonda, Sepahtu Kisah Tauladan, Sepahtu Mercun Raya, Sepahtu Cinta Plastik