The story begins in Anpanman World, where everybody is bustling around, getting ready for the annual Star Festival. On that day, an egg emerges from Baikinman's garbage box, and when it hatches, a mysterious boy named Kurun emerges from within. Though Kurun does not know where he came from, he spends his days having fun with everybody. But one day, black stars begin raining down. Anpanman thinks that something suspicious might be occurring at the Star of Life, and he heads there.
Includes: Go! Anpanman: The Shining Star's Tear, Go! Anpanman: Baikinman's Counterattack, Go! Anpanman: Fly! Fly! Chibigon, Go! Anpanman: The Secret of Tsumiki Castle, Go! Anpanman: Nosshi the Dinosaur's Big Adventure, Go! Anpanman: The Lyrical Magical Witch's School, Go! Anpanman: Let's Defeat the Haunted Ship!!, Go! Anpanman: The Flying Picture Book and the Glass Shoes, Go! Anpanman: The Pyramid of the Rainbow, Go! Anpanman: The Palm of the Hand to the Sun, Go! Anpanman: When the Flower of Courage opens, Go! Anpanman: Tears of the Mermaid Princess, Go! Anpanman: Gomira's Star, Go! Anpanman: The Secret of Roll and Lola's Floating Castle, Go! Anpanman: Ruby's Wish, Go! Anpanman: Nyanii of the Country of Dream Cats, Go! Anpanman: The Adventure of Happie, Go! Anpanman: Star-Spirited Dollie, Go! Anpanman: Purun, The Soap Bubble, Go! Anpanman: The Secret of Fairy Rin-Rin, Go! Anpanman: Dadandan and the Twin Stars, Go! Anpanman: Blacknose and the Magical Song, Go! Anpanman: Rescue! Kokorin and the Star of Miracles, Go! Anpanman: Revive Banana Island!, Go! Anpanman: Fly! The Handkerchief of Hope, Go! Anpanman: Apple Boy and Everyone's Hope, Go! Anpanman: Mija and The Lamp of Magic, Go! Anpanman: Nanda and Runda from the Star of Toys, Go! Anpanman: Bulbul's Big Treasure Hunt Adventure, Go! Anpanman: Shine! Kulun and the Stars of Life, Go! Anpanman: Twinkle! Princess Vanilla Of Ice Cream Land, Go! Anpanman: Dororin and the Transformation Carnival, Go! Anpanman: Roboly and the Warming Present, Go! Anpanman: Fluffy Flurry and the Land of Clouds, Let's Go! Anpanman: Baikinman and Lulun