Little Gay Boy
Little Gay Boy

Little Gay Boy

"A Triptych"

A young gay boy, from his birth to his teenage years, in which he experiments his sexuality and his own boundaries, to the day he finally meets his father. In three acts: Act I — L'Annonciation or The Conception of a Little Gay Boy (2011); Act II — Little Gay Boy, ChrisT is Dead (2012); and Act III — Holy Thursday (The Last Supper) (2013).

Release Date

February 13, 2013



Original Title

Little Gay Boy


1h 12min




French, English

Production Companies

The Open Reel

Little Gay Boy Triptych

Part of

Little Gay Boy Triptych

Includes: L'Annonciation or The Conception of a Little Gay Boy, Little Gay Boy, Christ is Dead, Holy Thursday (The Last Supper), Little Gay Boy