A gangster is caught and arrested by police. When he's being transported by bus -- filled with innocent civilians -- it's hi-jacked by his gang in attempt to free their boss. They hide out. As the authorities close in they threaten to torch the barn the escapee and his men are hiding in -- with their hostage inside.
I think this might have done better had Monty Tully searched a bit harder for a more charismatic leading man. As it is, we are saddled with the rather unremarkable Terence Landon in the lead role. He is a member of a group who ambush a bus carrying one of their leader "Bart" (Tom Bowman), and proceed to lock the remaining passengers and the prison officers in a barn that they claim is soaked with paraffin. They will escape, leaving their captives inside and woe betides if they try to escape. Meantime, the police find the corpse of someone who ought to already be in jail and after a quick investigation realise that the bus didn't make to to it's destination. Now they have to trace it before a conflagration consumes everyone - it's Guy Fawkes' night! The plot tries to juggle the police activities with the increasingly melodramatic behaviour inside the barn (prisoners who have been harshly treated, hard done by, etc.), and in the muddle we end up with quite a lot of dialogue and not a lot of jeopardy as the story really does follow well trammelled lines. To be fair, the supporting cast of reliable British faces add some quirkiness and character to the thing, and Jennifer Jayne ("Nita") does all that is required of her (not very much) but this is still just a routine afternoon B-filler that passes seventy-five minutes but is a film that you will never remember.