

"An epic story of struggle and resistance"

Documentary by John Pilger looks at the awful truth behind white Australia's dysfunctional relationship with Indigenous Australians

John Pilger

John Pilger


Jon Altman


Pat Anderson


Mal Brough


Michael Degnan


Lorna Fejo

Herself - Stolen Generation survivor

Selina Eggington

Herself - Dumbartung Aboriginal Corporation

Robert Eggington

Himself - Dumbartung Aboriginal Corporation

Vince Forrester

Himself - Aboriginal elder, Mutitjulu

Gerry Georgatos

Himself - journalist

Paddy Gibson

Himself - Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning, University of Technology Sydney

Tjanara Goreng Goreng

Herself - senior official, Dept. Indigenous Affairs, 2005-2008

Chris Graham

Himself - journalist

Lang Hancock

Himself (archive footage)

Olga Havnen

Herself - former NT Co-ordinator General, Remote Services

John Howard

John Howard

Himself (archive footage)

Vince Kelly

Himself - President, Police Federation of Australia

Rosalie Kunoth-Monks

Herself - Alyawarr / Arrernte elder

Vincent Lingiari

Himself (archive footage)

Marianne Mackay


Jeff McMullen

Jeff McMullen

Himself - journalist and broadcaster

Amy McQuire

Herself - editor and journalist

Patricia Morton-Thomas

Herself - film producer and actor

Arthur Murray


Leila Murray

Herself (archive footage)

Noel Nannup


George Newhouse

Himself - lawyer for Mutitjulu community

Alastair Nicholson

Himself - former Chief Justice, Family Court of Australia

Margaret Quirk

Herself - WA Minister for Corrective Services, 2006-2008

Bob Randall

Himself - Aboriginal elder, Mutitjulu

Gina Rinehart

Herself - mining tycoon and richest person in Australia

Kevin Rudd

Kevin Rudd

Himself - former Prime Minister of Australia

Maurie Ryan

Himself - grandson, Gurindji strike leader Vincent Lingiari

Salil Shetty

Himself - Secretary General, Amnesty International

David Smith

Himself - Manager, Ampilatwatja Health Centre

Warren Snowdon

Himself - Minister for Indigenous Health 2009-2013

Dave Sweeney

Himself - Australian Conservation Foundation

Janelle Trees

Herself - GP, Mutitjulu (as Dr. Janelle Trees)

Hilary Tyler

Herself - co-author, Central Australian Specialists report (as Dr. Hilary Tyler)

Paula Ann Williams
