
"An impressive portrait of an "intensive offender""

A knife in the pocket, adrenaline in the blood and only one dream in mind: to be a gangster - and the biggest one at that. Yehya was 15 years old and close to realizing his dream when he met the filmmaker Christian Stahl in the stairwell. Yehya wasn't just the nice boy from next door, he was also "the Boss of Sonnenallee" - one of the gangster runners of the Berlin borough of Neukölln. And gangster runners want to make it in the gangster world. In the eyes of the authorities, he is an "intensive offender"; in his own eyes, Yehya is "one of the top ten of Neukölln. I got my own prosecutor!"



Der gordische Knoten

Der gordische Knoten


Gary's Story - No Second Best

Gary's Story - Corleones of the Dancing World

Klaira's Story - Why Was I Here?

Klaira's Story - Connection to the Past

Klaira's Story - Berezka

Yelena's Story - Everything You Need to Know to Be a Jew

Hard Work and "Whatever"

Through Immigrants' Eyes

Remember When We Immigrated Here?

E4FC - 2013 San Francisco Foundation Community Leadership Awards

Chinese for Affirmative Action: San Francisco Foundation Community Leadership Awards 2012

Berlin ohnegleichen - Vom steinernen Anspruch auf ein Weltreich


Freitag, der 13.


On the Waves of the Adriatic

On the Waves of the Adriatic


Finnish American Lives

Finnish American Lives


Ernesto, presto!


Museum für Deutsche Geschichte. Einblicke und Begegnungen


O logischer Garten