Thin Ice

"The documentary THIN ICE captures the zany and fertile imagination of acclaimed humourist Bruce McCall, and reveals his personal and creative journey from a 1940s boyhood in small-town Canada to present-day success as a New York writer and artist."

Giant apes dotting the New York skyline waiting to audition for 'King Kong'... fine open-air dining on the wings of an aircraft - while airborne... A Canadian border town offering 'quickie baptisms' and 'hatless dancing.' The documentary THIN ICE captures the zany and fertile imagination of acclaimed humourist Bruce McCall, and reveals his personal and creative journey from a 1940s boyhood in small-town Canada to present-day success as a New York writer and artist. McCall has been called variously a "god" and a "genius" by admirers like Steve Martin and David Remnick, editor of The New Yorker.