High Hopes

In 1997-1998, many Bedouin Palestinian refugees living under Israeli Occupation were forcibly displaced by Israel to a garbage dump. During that entire period, the Oslo Peace Process was ongoing, with 'high hopes' for peace, while a plan existed to forcibly displace many Bedouin from Jerusalem and Ramallah. This calls into question Israel's commitment to peace, its willingness to allow a viable Palestinian state to come into existence, and its attitudes towards Palestinians generally. HIGH HOPES (with "High Hopes" as its soundtrack, donated by Pink Floyd), is made from AP/BBC archive material of the 1997-1998 displacements and the parallel expansion of Ma'ale Adumim settlement. The situation has grown worse during the current period, when talks again took place, as Israel both expanded settlements and formulated plans for the mass displacement of some 30,000 Bedouin Palestinian herders.