Germany in the early 19th century. "Die Vermessung der Welt" follows the two brilliant and eccentric scientists Alexander von Humboldt and Carl Friedrich Gauss on their life paths.
Carl Friedrich Gauß
Alexander von Humboldt
Johanna Gauss
Aimé Bonpland
Mrs. Gauß
Eugen Gauß
Military Man
Slave Trader
Angry Man
Natural Scientist I
Natural Scientist II
Spooky Man
Marie Elizabeth von Humboldt
Lehrer Büttner
Herzog von Braunschweig
Immanuel Kant
Wilhelm von Humboldt (Kid)
Wilhelm von Humboldt
Father Gauss
Father Zea
King of Prussia
Gendarmerie Commander Vogt
Indian Bonpland
Schoolboy I
Schoolboy II
Eugen Gauß (Kid)
Carl Friedrich Gauß (Kid)
Alexander von Humboldt (Kid)