
Covenant & Conflict

"Covenant and Conflict" is a thought-provoking podcast produced by the "Gateway Center for Israel" and hosted by Nic Lesmeister and David Blease, where ancient biblical truths meet contemporary issues head-on. Each episode offers a deep dive into complex and often divisive topics with subject matter experts, aiming to explore the intersection of covenantal values and modern debates. Instead of fostering division, this podcast seeks to model respectful engagement and peaceful discourse amidst conflict.

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Returning Series

Original Name

Covenant & Conflict

First Air Date

September 4, 2024

Last Air Date

October 30, 2024







Production Companies

Gateway Center for Israel



The End Times & Israel

Where do we begin to understand the complicated topic of the end times? Nic and David dive into eschatology (or study of what is to come) with author Travis Snow, who has researched theology and biblical prophecy for 20 years. Travis, who holds an MDiv in Biblical Studies from Regency University, has written three books about the subject that emphasize Israel's role in end times prophecy. The eschatological beliefs held by the Church and Jewish Messianic believers are compared during the discussion, as well as how biblical prophecy - which makes up 25% of Scripture - can be approached in a more positive, hopeful way without some of the sensationalism that often surrounds the topic. Travis also stresses that to truly comprehend what end-time passages convey, such as Matthew 24 and the book of Daniel, requires a spiritual lens focused on Israel, God's chosen people.

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