World's Weirdest Animal Faces

Majestic animals we deem beautiful are well documented. Their stories are celebrated while we appropriate their regality, elegance and grace to adorn our company logos, be our sporting mascots and represent our families on crests. Then there's the other animals, the aesthetic outsiders we don't consider cute or cuddly. The critters we tend to laugh at or revile simply because they don't fit into what we deem as beautiful. The animals selected by natural selection to be beaten with the ugly stick. This is the time for the World's Weirdest Animal Faces to shine! A celebration of respectable irreverence, revealing the extraordinarily weird features these creatures possess.

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Original Name

World's Weirdest Animal Faces

First Air Date

July 18, 2016

Last Air Date

July 20, 2016







Nat Geo Wild

I Was Born This Way

I Was Born This Way

It's the weird who stand out in a crowd and despite sometimes being shunned through lack of understanding, they often have that extra special something that allows them to not only survive, but thrive.

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