The movie consists of two Feluda stories by Satyajit Ray, Samaddar-er-Chabi and Golokdham Rahashya, shown on either half of the film. It was a tribute to the 50-year anniversary of Feluda and a sequel to Royal Bengal Rahashya (2011).
December 16, 2016
ডাবল ফেলুদা
1h 56min
Eros International
Part of
Includes: Bombaiyer Bombete, Kailashey Kelenkari, Gorosthane Sabdhan, The Elephant God, Royal Bengal Rahasya, The Golden Fortress, Tintorettor Jishu, Double Feluda, Badshahi Angti, Feludar Goyendagiri: Darjeeling Jawmjawmaat, Hatyapuri, Feludar Goyendagiri: Bhuswargo Bhoyonkawr, Nayan Rahasya