Detective Conan: The Mystery of the Legendary Monster Bird

This story takes place 100 days before Kudo Shinichi became Edogawa Conan. Kudo Shinichi, a high school detective, arrives in Jugoya Town with Mori Ran and others. In this town a legend exists, claiming that a gigantic bull-headed shrike attacks the townspeople and kills them. The town was about to hold a festival in 3 days to put the giant bird's spirit to rest. While being led on a tour of the bull-headed shrike Shrine by Sonoko's parent's friend, Mr. Wakura, a crime related to the legend occurs. Starting with Kosaka, member of the Wakura family are slowly murdered in the same way...

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Release Date

April 15, 2011



Original Title

名探偵コナン 工藤新一への挑戦状 ~怪鳥伝説の謎


1h 35min





Part of

Detective Conan Drama Special Collection

Includes: Detective Conan Drama Special 1: The Letter of Challenge, Detective Conan Drama Special 2: Confrontation With the Men in Black, Detective Conan: The Mystery of the Legendary Monster Bird, Detective Conan: Shinichi Kudo and the Kyoto Shinsengumi Murder Case