Mister Magoo's Puddle Jumper

At a used car lot, Mr. Magoo is intent on buying a car for his nephew Waldo. He is slick talked into buying an old clunker thanks to a shifty salesman but he drives it off anyway. Unfortunately, the myopic Magoo drives off a pier and under the ocean where he mistakes the various aquatic surroundings such as fish, sunken boats, and seals for other cars, dilapidated mansions, and a horn happy driver respectively.

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January 27, 2025

"Magoo" goes to an used car lot and is promptly fleeced by the owner as he's sold an "electric" jalopy that he struggles to get out of reverse! Meantime, "Waldo" is petrified in the back seat - luckily with an hat stuck over his head. Next, well there's an encounter with the fishes and some ancient Spanish galleons loom into view, some sharks, seaweed... As "Magoo" extols the virtues of his perfect vista, a seal tries to get past and that leads our intrepid traveller to unwisely open the door! Sadly, that doesn't quite end the story as landward again he attracts the attention of the police and at least then we get a brief laugh. I never really got the humour of this myopic character and his contrived scenarios and this one didn't really change that opinion. The standard of animation is adequate and though the storyline here does allow for them to run a bit riot with an whole gamut of flora and fauna, it's still nothing special, sorry.