Junji Inagawa, a class S entertainer in the world of horror, visits the sites of reputed horror himself in this fourth installment of his horror documentary series.
May 25, 2007
稲川淳二 真相・恐怖の現場 ~恐怖の検証~ Vol.4
1h 24min
Part of
Includes: Junji Inagawa - Revealing the Truth: Terrifying Sites - Forbidden Land, Once Again VOL.1, Junji Inagawa - Revealing the Truth: Terrifying Sites - Forbidden Land, Once Again VOL.3, Junji Inagawa - Revealing the Truth: Terrifying Sites - Forbidden Land, Once Again VOL.2, Junji Inagawa - Revealing the Truth: Terrifying Sites - Fear Verification VOL.4, Junji Inagawa - Revealing the Truth: Terrifying Sites - Fear Verification VOL.5, Junji Inagawa - Revealing the Truth: Terrifying Sites - Fear Verification VOL.6