Detective Conan OVA 09: The Stranger in 10 Years...

This OVA takes place ten years in the future and chronicles the possible events if Conan Edogawa and Ai Haibara do not take the antidote to APTX 4869 and grow up alongside their friends Genta, Mitsuhiko, and Ayumi, while still maintaining their detective endeavors.

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Release Date

June 17, 2009



Original Title

名探偵コナン 10年後の異邦人






Production Companies

Part of

Detective Conan OVA Collection

Includes: Detective Conan OVA 10: Kid in Trap Island, Detective Conan OVA 03: Conan and Heiji and the Vanished Boy, Detective Conan OVA 11: A Secret Order from London, Detective Conan OVA 04: Conan and Kid and Crystal Mother, Detective Conan OVA 02: 16 Suspects, Detective Conan OVA 07: A Challenge from Agasa! Agasa vs. Conan and the Detective Boys, Detective Conan OVA 01: Conan VS KID VS Yaiba, Detective Conan OVA 09: The Stranger in 10 Years..., Detective Conan OVA 08: The Casebook of Female High-School Detective Sonoko Suzuki, Detective Conan OVA 12: The Miracle of Excalibur, Detective Conan OVA 06: Follow the Vanished Diamond! Conan & Heiji vs. Kid!, Detective Conan OVA 05: The Target is Kogoro! The Detective Boys' Secret Investigation