Georgi Burkov
An image from The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!, one of the productions that also features Georgi Burkov.
Georgi Burkov

Georgi Burkov

May 31, 1933 — Perm, RSFSR, USSR

Honored Artist of the RSFSR (08/11/1980). Father, Ivan G., worked at Motovilikha in the old factory district of Perm. Started with a worker, rose to the chief mechanic of the plant. The character was soft, friendly. Mother, Maria Sergeyevna, has always been for her son the closest person and best friend. He studied at the law faculty of Perm University (1952-1956), in the evening studio at the Perm Drama Theater (1955-1958). Attempts to conquer theatrical universities in Moscow ended in failure. He worked in the theaters of Bereznikov, Perm (1961), Kemerovo (1963). In Kemerovo, he was seen by a well-known Moscow theater journalist and, returning to Moscow, told the acquaintance of the original actor, Boris Lvov-Anokhin, the main director of the Stanislavsky Theater. He invited Burkov to Moscow, to his theater to the Arts Council. So the 32-year-old actor without special education became an artist of the capital's theater. Since 1965 - actor of the Drama Theater named after K.S. Stanislavsky. In 1970-1971 - actor of the Sovremennik Theater. Since 1980 - artist of the Moscow Art Theater named after Gorky. In 1984-1987 - actor of the theater named after A.S. Pushkin. From 1988 to 1990 - artistic director of the V.M. Culture Center Shukshina. He died in the evening of July 19, 1990 in the First City Hospital of Moscow. The actor was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery (plot number 13). The granite cross on the grave of Burkov is made of the same piece of granite as the monument to his close friend Vasily Shukshin (1929-1974). Chapter 38 of the cycle “To Remember” by Leonid Filatov is dedicated to the life and work of the actor. Widow - Tatyana Ukharova, actress of the Stanislavsky Moscow Drama Theater (04.19.1946). Daughter - actress of the same theater Maria Burkova (05.21.1966).

Office Romance

Office Romance


The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!

The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!


Once Upon a Time there Lived a Dog

Once Upon a Time there Lived a Dog


The Garage

The Garage


A Cruel Romance

A Cruel Romance


The Red Snowball Tree

The Red Snowball Tree


They Fought for Their Motherland

They Fought for Their Motherland


Cheburashka Goes to School

Cheburashka Goes to School