Pablo Fendrik
An image from The Shelter, one of the productions that also features Pablo Fendrik.
Pablo Fendrik

Pablo Fendrik

August 3, 1973 — Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Born in Buenos Aires in 1973, his successful debut The Mugger (El Asaltante) premiered at 2007´s Semaine de la Critic at Cannes Film Festival. His second feature, Blood Appeas (La Sangre Brota) won the Critic Award in 2008 Semaine de la Critic at Cannes Films Festival. His third feature, The Ardor (El Ardor) was part of the Official Selection at 2014 Cannes Film Festival.

In 2015 he co directed all ten episodes from tv series CROMO.

In 2016 directed episodes 4, 5, and 6 of HBO crime drama The Bronce Garden (El Jardin de Bronce)

In 2018 directed episodes 5,6,7 and 8 of HBO crime drama The Bronce Garden 2 (El Jardín de Bronce 2)

In 2019 co wrote and single directed all four episodes of HBO crime mini series Amogst Men (Entre Hombres)

The Shelter

The Shelter


The Bronze Garden

The Bronze Garden


Amongst Men

Amongst Men


The Ardor

The Ardor


The Mugger

The Mugger


Blood Appears

Blood Appears


Midnight Family

Midnight Family


Short Plays

Short Plays