Carlos Rebolledo
An image from Dead well, one of the productions that also features Carlos Rebolledo.
Carlos Rebolledo

Carlos Rebolledo

Venezuelan Critic, teacher and producer. Graduated from the Institute of Advanced Cinematographic Studies in Paris, in 1962. He directed the Documentary Film Center of the University of Los Andes. Together with Jesús E. Guédez, he started the documentary movement in Venezuela, at the end of the 60s. He directed the documentary short films La casa natal del Libertador (1964), Arquitectura y urbanismo en Caracas (1965), Pozo muerto (1967), and ULA - Universidad de Los Andes / Los Andes y su Universidad (1969), the latter co-directed with Jorge Solé. Venezuela en tres tiempos (Fragmentos del antidesarrollo, 1975), made together with Edmudo Aray, is structured with clippings, still photos and interviews. It is one of his best-known works and denounces the situation in the mining areas. In 1977, together with Thaelman Urgellés, he co-directed his first feature-length fiction film: (Alias) El Rey del Joropo, a film about the famous dancer and criminal from the 1950s, Alfredo Alvarado. In 1985, he made Profession: Living, starring Rubens de Falco, Irene Arcila, Omaira Abinadé and Blanca Baldó.

Dead well

Dead well


(Alias) El Rey del Joropo

(Alias) El Rey del Joropo


Venezuela tres tiempos (Fragmentos del anti-desarrollo)

Venezuela tres tiempos (Fragmentos del anti-desarrollo)


Profesión: vivir

Profesión: vivir