Dr Raj Pandit Sharma

Dr Raj Pandit Sharma


Dr Raj Pandit Sharma is an Indian based in the UK. He is Vice President of the Global Hindu Priest Association and is a senior Minister of the Hindu Faith (Hindu Priest). He was a member of the National Executive of the Hindu Council UK and author of the Caste Report. Dr Sharma also participates in discussions on Hinduism for the BBC as a panelist on the BBC1 Sunday morning programme, ‘The Big Questions.’ He has also presented BBC Radio 4's 'Thought for the Day'.

For six years, Dr Sharma had also been a Co-presenter of a popular TV programme 'Let us Talk Hinduism'. It was an interactive television show broadcast live at 8.30pm every Sunday from MATV studios viewable in Europe, UK and USA. It was viewed worldwide on the internet.

The programme was broadcast live for 20 years and was one of the most popular shows on the entire network. It addressed a variety of topics related to Sanatan Dharma (original Hindu Faith) and Hindu culture. The show also allowed viewers to phone in to pose any question about the Hindu Faith and receive authentic answers based on the perspective of its Vedic scriptures rather than just personal opinion.

Whereas there are many programmes broadcast internationally related to the Hindu Faith, 'Let us Talk Hinduism' is unique in this aspect that it supports live question & answer sessions for its global audience. Dr Sharma had offered his services to the programme for over four years on a complimentary basis since its inception in 2009.

Dr Sharma is an eloquent lecturer in the Hindu Faith and well-liked Pandit (Hindu Priest). He often addresses diverse audiences in the academic and non-academic world, being fluent in twelve languages.

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