Susan Silas
An image from Whatever Works, one of the productions that also features Susan Silas.

Susan Silas

Susan Silas is a visual artist working primarily in digital photography, video and sculpture. She received her Masters in Fine Arts from California Institute of the Arts. Her work was recently included in exhibitions at Stadgalerie Saarbrücken, in Germany, at Haus N Athen, in Greece and at bitforms gallery, in New York City. Her multi-screen video Leda and the Swan will premiere at Festival Instants Vidéo Numériques et Poétiques in Marseille, France in November of 2020. Silas’s work has been featured in AntiUtopias, CameraAustria, Fotómúvészet and Artnet Magazine. She has been interviewed by the Yale University Radio, Rabble magazine, the BBC, ArtonAir, Adult Magazine and Digital Dying. Reviews of her work have appeared in Artforum, Art in America, the Village Voice, The New Yorker and Hyperallergic. She has been awarded fellowships at Everglades National Park, New Space Arts Foundation in Hue, Vietnam, The MacDowell Colony, Yaddo, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, and the Ucross Foundation. Susan Silas is a dual Hungarian and American national living and working in Brooklyn, New York.

Meet the Parents

Meet the Parents


Whatever Works

Whatever Works


