After the events of the first movie, Yagami Light faces two new adversaries as he is trying to create a perfect world without crime or criminals. This movie continues the first TV special and is a summary of the last 12 episodes of the TV anime.
Light Yagami (voice)
Ryuk (voice)
Misa Amane (voice)
Near (voice)
Mello (voice)
Tota Matsuda (voice)
Shuichi Aizawa (voice)
Kiyomi Takada (voice)
Teru Mikami (voice)
Hideki Ide (voice)
Kanzo Mogi (voice)
L (voice)
Anthony Rester (voice)
Halle Lidner (voice)
Stephen Gevanni (voice)
Kyosuke Higuchi (voice)
Roger Ruvie (voice)
Steve Mason (voice)
President David Hoope (voice)
Watari (voice)
Storyboard Artist
Second Unit Director
Key Animation
Art Direction
Background Designer
Special Effects
Art Designer
Assistant Director
Sound Effects
Sound Director
Director of Photography
Original Music Composer
CGI Director
Sound Mixer
Comic Book