This Earth of Mankind
This Earth of Mankind

This Earth of Mankind

A Javanese royal and half-Dutch woman fall in love as Indonesia rises to independence from colonial rule.

Nurdiansyah Jeke

Rotoscoping Artist

Sry Mulyana


Agus Kencrot

Action Director

Adi Supriadi


Ilva Rizky

Sound Effects Editor

Wahyu Tri Purnomo

Wahyu Tri Purnomo

Sound Mixer

Adhitya Indra

Sound Effects Editor

Andhika Triyadi


Suryo Adhi Wiyogo

Suryo Adhi Wiyogo

Unit Manager

Dipo Cakra

Assistant Unit Manager

Dipo Cakra

Unit Production Manager

Mohamad Ikhsan Sungkar

Sound Mixer

David Afriayandi

Color Assistant

Ahmad Hariri

Rotoscoping Artist

Khikmawan Santosa

Khikmawan Santosa

Sound Mixer

Arif Winanto

Assistant Gaffer

Arief Ash Shiddiq

Script Editor

Wahyu Tri Purnomo

Wahyu Tri Purnomo

Dialogue Editor

Wahyu Tri Purnomo

Wahyu Tri Purnomo

Sound Effects Editor

Ifan Rivaldi

Makeup & Hair

Mohamad Ikhsan Sungkar

Dialogue Editor

Andhika Triyadi

Music Arranger

Dwi Handono


Berry Karpeyal G.

Rotoscoping Artist

Joko Prawoto

Foley Artist

Jonet Sri Untoro

ADR Mixer

Djoko Prayogi


Aldy Prawira H. Surya

Foley Mixer

Maksal Mina

Sound Effects Editor

Christopher Chayadi

Sound Effects Editor

Andri Hermawan


Khikmawan Santosa

Khikmawan Santosa

Sound Designer

Salman Aristo

Salman Aristo


Hanung Bramantyo

Hanung Bramantyo


Ipung Rachmat Syaiful

Ipung Rachmat Syaiful

Director of Photography

Sentot Sahid

Sentot Sahid


Andhy Pulung

Andhy Pulung

Post Producer

Dallas Sinaga

Executive Producer

Pramoedya Ananta Toer

Pramoedya Ananta Toer


Ragiel Miftach

Second Assistant Director

Gina S. Noer

Gina S. Noer

Story Developer

Gilang Numerouno

Casting Director

Krisna Purna

Krisna Purna

Sound Recordist

HB Naveen

HB Naveen

Executive Producer

Dewi Soemartojo

Line Producer

Satrio Budiono

Satrio Budiono

Sound Designer

Andhika Triyadi

Music Director

Nova Sardjono

Casting Director

Arief Ash Shiddiq

Story Editor

Mohamad Ikhsan Sungkar

Sound Designer

Jerry Octavianus

Makeup Artist

Bagus Bramanti

Script Supervisor

Reynaldi Christanto


Sylvia Widjaja

First Assistant Director

Bima Gunadi Putra

Third Assistant Director

Jujur Prananto

Script Supervisor

Wahyu Tri Purnomo

Wahyu Tri Purnomo

Sound Designer

Ifan Adriansyah Ismail

Script Supervisor




Asaf Antariksa

Script Supervisor

Allan Sebastian

Allan Sebastian

Art Direction

Retno Ratih Damayanti

Retno Ratih Damayanti

Costume Designer

Hasan Aspahani

Story Developer

Amelya Oktavia

Story Developer